Friday, September 26, 2008


IF YOU THOUGHT THE three-headed hydra of Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Harry Reid sounded shrill this morning at their partisan press conference while nervously bumbling through this latest wrinkle of the financial meltdown we as a nation as facing, it is because they ARE nervous. Nervous that their hand-picked CHOSEN ONE is not going to save the hour, much less the day, for the party. As Senate Majority Leader, Senator Reid (D-NV) especially has has delivered several rather bizarre announcements throughout this crisis:

  • When news of the crisis broke, Reid's first response was “No one knows what to do.”
  • A day later, he insisted that John McCain needs to return to DC to make the GOP rank & file support the bill he was cobbling together with his ideological cronies, then a few hours later he said McCain shouldn’t come to to DC at all, and insists with all the seriousness of a dead possum in the middle of the road, that the scheduled debate on Friday was more important than anything in Washington at the moment.
  • This morning, after pumping up the tenative agreement as Obama's brain trust, he then lamented that banking is subtle, difficult and complex and that both Obama & McCain don’t know anything about it.

    Here's a plan we can all believe in. Harry Reid needs to step down off the chair, leave the rope where it is, and simply leave the building.

    And yes, this one folks, is a Democratic scandal, not a Republican one.

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