Monday, January 12, 2009


WITH THE INAUGARATION a week away, many Americans—fearful about the economy and uncertain about the future—are desperately pinning their hopes on Barack Obama and his "new New Deal."

But hopeful rhetoric, new programs with massive price tags, and "green investments" are not the solution, says bestselling author and syndicated columnist Tony Blankley. The solution lies in us; the solution lies in American Grit.

American Grit, Blankley's controversial new book, calls for a bold new nationalism—based on hard work, sacrifice, and policies that put America first—to tackle the global and domestic challenges facing our nation.

Blankley warns that Obama's socialist and environmentally sensitive agenda will weaken our embattled nation and invite new threats to America's economic and national security. Instead, Blankley prescribes his own compelling plan, calling upon the U.S. to implement:

  • A universal military draft to instill the unity, toughness, and cultural purpose lacking in America
  • An energy security policy where we become oil exporters and expand our diplomatic and economic options in the Middle East and around the world
  • A proactive, real-world communications strategy that showcases America as the true defender of freedom and opportunity
  • A new attitude that accepts the duties of citizenship instead of simply demanding more "rights" and "hand outs."

    Yes, it's that simple. And I prefer to call this a radical centrist approach to fixing America. Thanks Mr. Blankley for your contribution to this vital reckoning of our times. America definitely needs to toughen up, or those who are tough (Russia, China, Middle East, Israel) will soon enslave the weak and despondent self-obsessed people we have become.

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