In Prince Georges County, MD, Obamabots strike again
OUR ESTEEMED ALAN GREENSPAN, appointed by Ronald Reagan was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve for more than 18 years before retiring two years ago. In recent testimony given to the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, it was no surprise that he voiced shock over recent financial events and called conditions deplorable, saying that he and others who believed lending institutions would do a good job of protecting their shareholders are in a “state of shocked disbelief”.
Blatant phoniness is the lynchpin of worldly success. Can you say, how now brown cow?
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Rattlesnakes! Set up a circulative system where there are huge rewards and zero penalties for the breach of fiduciary duty and then all he can do is express surprise when the loot & pillage crowd shows up to party? This is not rocket science. Greenspan is either lying or incompetent, or both. While people in a widening circle around him were not subtle in voicing concerns about the housing bubble, he steadfastly refused to acknowledge it, and far too many of us went along for the ride thinking this must be the American way we kept hearing so much about. If he of all people didn’t notice the quickening noose, then he was horribly unqualified to be in his position. Even I knew the scenario was a high trapeze act. And I only had my own household details to consider, knowing I was not alone in this game. Fortunately, I was smart enough to stay away from the lure of an ARM.
In 2004, a deliberately cautious Mr. Greenspan supported and encouraged the ARM industry, touting them as "perhaps" a better deal. Alrighty then. Let's all beat it down to the bank and snap up one of those.

Yet, as night follows day, the media hounds and their political taskmasters make tiresome fun of Governor Sarah Palin, saying she is too inexperienced to know which end goes up, which end down with regard to anything their highly educated minds can think will tar her image. But the unmitigated misery of what these “learned” men have wrought, is telling. What has their so-called vaunted experience done for us? John McCain warned us about fraud in the FM-FM scams, and now Sarah Palin, who has successfully fought Alaskan cronyism and the carpetbaggers of Big Oil, balancing the Alaskan budget, and growing the surplus to offer resource checks to every single citizen under her wing in the process, forming a team that are just the whistleblowers and "sub-par" experience we need in Washington right now.
Old conventional political wisdom dictates that vice presidential picks don’t change the outcome of a race. When Sarah Palin received larger fanfare than John McCain a month ago, the pundits cautioned, “people vote for President, not for Vice President.” But the crooked pollsters cannot help themselves, so in spite of all the evidence contrary to their own vetted interests one crook recently had this to say, “Speaking of Palin, 55% think she’s unqualified to serve as president if the need arises, which is a troublesome number given McCain’s age.
Other polls reflect this perception problem for the McCain-Palin camp as well. Pew released its latest poll that echoes many of the NBC/WSJ findings about voters’ perceptions of Palin and their effect on McCain. Pew’s headline doesn’t mention Palin specifically, “Well, vice presidential candidates may not win elections, but this year it’s looking increasingly likely that Sarah Palin may help lose one. Notably, opinions of Palin have a greater impact on voting intentions than do opinions of Joe Biden, Obama’s running mate.”
And the beat goes on, over and over again. Sarah Palin hatred is the dessert of the day every day in the blue-lined MSM and its crooked buddies, the pollsters. But let's say that McCain wins thanks to Sarah Palin.
Well, Eliza Doolittle is more than a poke at the upper class snobs. She's a firebrand, ready for bear. But the governor is hardly in need of some high-falutin' "upper class" accent meant to camouflage a nasty disconnect with the common people, but maybe, just maybe she COULD USE a few extra changes of professional clothing to help during this grueling campaign track where candidates tend to change several times a day to keep fresh so that the attack dog press won't smear her as a frumpy backwater trailer trash candidate.
Wait a sec, they've already done that...
Labels: Alan Greenspan, Ayn Rand, Federal Reserve, financial crisis, housing bubble, Sarah Palin
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