Thursday, June 24, 2010


A REFUGEE FROM THE MUSLIM Middle East thinks he has discovered Islam's 20-point plan for conquering the United States by 2020—a plan revealed in the latest issue of Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

On the other side of the mountain, the cat is playing. Here's a snippet we found in the comment section of a Washington Post article suggesting that risk-tolerant China is investing heavily in Iraq as US companies stand pat. This, as the US is drained of its fortune in war while others swoop in to partnership the real business of nation building..

The Chinese are smarter than we Americans. While we are engaged in wars all over the world, some openly some not so openly, the Chinese seek to make friends and useful business connections. While the US supports useless sanctions against Iran, the Chinese are all over Iran making deals. Some Americans think the Chinese are Communists. They are communists in name only. First and foremost they are interested in business.

The US throws money away in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere on military spending or bribes to win influence and our national debt continues to grow. We get nothing from this type spending. The Chinese, using "soft power" are doing business and making money which they are spending to make China a better place for the Chinese. They are building highways, airports, rail lines, schools, factories, hospitals and rapidly improving life for their people. At the same time the US standard of living is dropping so fast that you can see it by driving through most US.

Can the American powers be this stupid? Perhaps not, as another quipster's hypothesis suggests. We've probably got a hush-hush deal with China; that in order to pay off US debt, we'll use our military to open up markets for them and call it even.

It's kind of like sometimes when you get in debt to the Mob, and they cut you a deal that you can work it off by helping them out with "collections" if you're a tough guy.

We shoot 'em, you loot 'em...

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Thursday, June 17, 2010


David Swanson, author of Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union has written a chilling piece of commentary on the state of the American presidency.

Below is an excerpt:

SECOND, I LOOKED AT THE POWER OF WAR. Our Constitution wisely placed it in Congress. It is now in the White House and growing ever stronger. President Obama has demanded and received a larger military budget than Bush ever had, plus a larger war budget on top of that, not to mention the secret budget for some of the spy agencies that engage in war. President Obama continues to insist on funding the wars off the books with so-called emergency supplementals. He's put bases into more nations. He's put more troops in the field. He's expanded the use of mercenaries and contractors. He's dramatically expanded the illegal use of drones to bomb Pakistan and other nations, resulting—among other forms of blowback—a man trying to set off a bomb in Times Square, a man whose father's job used to be guarding nuclear weapons. Obama's Pentagon is pushing hard to use drones in U.S. skies as well. Meanwhile, Obama has—in another badder than Bush innovation—formally authorized secret military action in dozens of nations. He's formally done away with habeas corpus and established the power to imprison people at Bagram and other sites completely outside any legal process. He's kept our death camp at Guantanamo open. President Obama has continued to assert the power to torture, and torture has continued. He's also continued to assert the power to kidnap or "rendition" people and send them to nations that torture. But, most disturbingly, Obama has largely replaced torture with murder. People we would have sought to capture two years ago, we now seek to murder instead. And Obama has claimed the power to assassinate anyone, including American citizens. And, needless to say, the warrantless spying programs and other violations of civil liberties roll on unquestioned, and Miranda rights may be at risk now too. And one reason to think things may be even worse than we know is that Obama has prosecuted more whistleblowers than any of his predecessors.

Read it all at Corrente: Obama Was Created By Our Failure to Impeach Bush

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Monday, June 14, 2010


MYSTERIOUS HISTORIC BEHAVIOR ALERT—President Barack Obama's Press Conference on the Deep Water Horizon lacked a certain decorum specific to the staged background. The American Flags were missing. Plain yellow curtains, and a couple of gold columns with chandeliers were all she wrote.

Research of photos from press conferences of past presidents reveal the traditional flags standing sternly behind the President or off to the side. This was Obama's first formal press conference since July of 09, which of course had U.S. Flags present. Just sayin'...

As the gulf oil ecological disaster staggers on into Day 56, many clean-up workers complain of ill health. Obama is also finishing up his two-day tour of MS, AL, and FL, and compares the effects to 911 to the consternation of many.

His comments were condemned as 'ridiculous' and out of touch with reality by those who lost loved ones when terrorists flew passenger planes into New York's World Trade Centre in 2001.

"I think he's off-base,' said former New York Fire Department Chief Jim Riches, who lost a son. "These were terrorist attacks, these 9/11 murders, not something caused by people trying to make money."

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Thursday, June 10, 2010


FROM THE OLD DEMOCRATS' battered and bruised perspective Daniel Ellsberg is merely another “there’s no place else to go” justifier. To these hard-working and intelligent folks the Democrat Party was all they knew. Lifers, all of them, with nary a glance towards the Other Side they viewed as down-right criminal without ever actually investigating them before Palin came along and utterly stupid beyond measurement. But theirs was another Democratic Party they thought, a party of one person, one vote, a party of egregious progress and open-hearted morality, but those warm memories and smart dreams were created long before Obama and his thug corps cracked the party wide open and left these folks, mostly women, without a political home. I'm talking, of course about the PUMA movement, which had nothing one might imagine to do with Daniel Ellsburg until his timely interview with SPEIGEL ONLINE.

Ellsberg is a former United States military analyst employed by the RAND Corporation who precipitated a national political controversy in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret Pentagon study of US government decision-making about the Vietnam War, to The New York Times and other newspapers.

Legendary leaker of the “Pentagon Papers” during the Nixon administration, he still has a bone to pick with the White House. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, the 79-year-old peace activist accuses President Barack Obama of betraying his election promises—in Iraq, in Afghanistan and on civil liberties, of deceiving the public.

Ellsberg, speaking at length, said, "I voted for him and I will probably vote for him again, as opposed to the Republicans. But I believe his administration in some key aspects is nothing other than the third term of the Bush administration. He’s a good politician. He said what he needed to say to get elected, and now he’s just taking advantage of the office. Like any administration before, his administration caters to the profits of big corporations like BP and Goldman Sachs—even though I think BP won’t get off that easily this time. His early campaign contributions, the big corporate contributions, came from Wall Street. They got their money’s worth"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: But Obama has been very verbal about his criticism of Wall Street.

Ellsberg held his ground, stating, "His actions are totally uncoupled from his public statements. I don’t even listen anymore."

Reads word for word like the Hillaryocrats mantra we've been monitoring since that lost and frightful summer of '08. It's chilling actually to realize that someone like Daniel Ellsberg could be so easily fooled by the styrofoam messiah...

More to the point is the zeal and speed of this paradigm shift we've witnessed since the riveting James Carville moment. Like a shot over the bow, Carville signalled for blood, making it okay for others to come out of the covers. Claws visibly retracted beyond the call of duty in an obviously corrupt administration, many have finally stepped up to pop the Obama bubble. The media cloak, the pundits, and even Hollywood on steroids, each have finally exhaled. And that's how the whistle blows.

Once again we learn that people on both sides of the political aisle are slow learners, often just plain gullible, the way politicians prefer their voters, barefoot, poor, and damned near always two faced flushed into the kool-aid, or worse—corroded and corrupt to the bone. My guess is all of the above exist in ample portion. May God save us all.

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Tuesday, June 08, 2010


A COMPANY IN NORWAY has invented a machine they call the OS-1 estimated to separate a million gallons of toxic oil and sea water a day. Does the Oil Swallow work as hyped? Will the President heed the call to send it into the Gulf? Will America be saved. Stay tuned. There's no government mistake worse than overlooking the obvious...

Day 50 of this devastation hovers as we recall the haunting countdown during Iran hostage crisis of the Carter administration. Will the White House respond to the outreach, or continue to bumble through? Word is they are turning down help from foreign entities because of the Jones Act, but the truth is the Jones Act has been waived several times already, including by the Bush administration. This is absolutely NO RATIONAL POINT to limit our clean-up opportunities, only political points. Keep an eye on the fall-out in the coming days, weeks, and months. It won't be pretty.

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Friday, June 04, 2010


THE INIMITABLE BRITISH WIT PAT CONDELL takes the Islamic PR machine to task as the latter attempts to build a 13-15 story triumphal Islamic Center a mere two blocks from where the Twin Towers once stood. To make matters worse, the building is scheduled to open its "doors of deception" on the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 tragedy.

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